Prosperity ILT Training Resources: Setting Up Classrooms



The components of Instructor Led training are as follows:


§ Classroom – Where the training will be held

§ Course - What course (subject matter) will be taught

§ Instructor(s) – What instructor(s) will teach this class? (This is covered in in detail the ILT Training Resources: Instructors training guide.)

§ Class – The combination of classroom, course, instructor, roster and schedule. (This is covered in detail in the ILT Training Resources: Setting Up Classes training guide.)


In this guide, you will:


§ Add a classroom


Add a Classroom


1.     From the Admin menu options, click Classrooms.




Figure 1: Classroom Menu Option


2.     The Classroom Administration screen displays. Any classrooms that have been defined will display here.


Figure 2: Add New Classroom


3.     Click New Classroom to create a new classroom.

4.     The new classroom form displays. Notice that the system provides two types of classrooms; physical and online.


§ Physical refers to an actual physical classroom.

§ Online refers to a web site address the learner must access in order to complete the class.




Figure 3: Online and Physical Classroom Types


5.     Complete the New Classroom form. Note that any field labels in red mean they are required. Let’s examine some important fields:


Class Room: This will display on the students class confirmation email, and is required in order to schedule the class.

Description: Type any text that describes the room. A recommendation is to capture the attributes of the room in the description, such as: “Small classroom”, or “Large Classroom with projector”.

Classroom Type: The options to select from are Physical or Online.



NOTE: If students have to view or participate in an online seminar or meeting, you would select Online.


URL (Online type only): Enter the web site address required to access the online seminar, training, or meeting.

Location (Physical type only): Clicking the Pick button displays the Companies list, from which you select the company to populate the location with the selected company’s address.

Leader Code: If the student is accessing an online seminar or meeting, the facilitator of the event may require an access code.

Participant Code:  If the student is accessing an online seminar or meeting, they may require an access code.

Accommodations: Use this field if for example, class participants are coming from out of town and you have lodging set up for them.

Location Display Name (Online only): Enter the name of the web site if applicable.

Address Information (Physical only): the physical address of the classroom.

Capacity: The number you enter here is used by the system to close the class once the capacity is met from enrolments.

6.     Click Apply when finished.



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